Our mission is to create pure blasphemic black metal. In 1995 a.s a self-titled demo was recorded but never released due to several circumstances.
By 1999 a.s Istidraj recorded it's first full-length album namely "Metafizika" consists of 8 trax of Misanthrophic Black Metal, released by Esoteric Art Productions (r.i.p) in limited 1000 copies cd only.
In year 2001 a.s Istidraj recorded it's ep namely "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" consists of 4 trax of blasphemic black metal holocaust. Istidraj is already being featured in several compilation, psychic scream (Malaysia) "Panggilan Pulau Puaka 4 Vol.1" cd & cassette trax : Istidraj. recluse Rekordz (Singapore) "Boundless Consolidation" cdr trax: Sramol Anthaka, Extreme Souls Productions (Indonesia) “Neohellist Vol.2” cassette trax: Thy Whisper of Eternal Shadow, Monsoon Records (France) “doomed by the moon knights” cassette trax:Istidraj, ardeal zine & records comp. (Romania) cd trax: Thy Whisper of Eternal Shadow, Sonnengott music (Indonesia) "Deeper Underground Vol.2" cassette trax: Istidraj, Moonlight Throne Records (Turkey) "Voices from the Abyss" cd trax: Sramol Anthaka.
In year 2003 a.s Istidraj recorded a hellish song namely "Blasphemic Conquest" as to celebrate it's decade of blasphemy, this unholy trax is released as split with Luger(France Black War Metal Terrorist) in "Total War Epuratio" ep self-released by Luger in 200 copies cassette only.
In 2004 a.s Sonnengott Musik released Istidraj/As Sahar split "Conquerors of Syonan-To" album in cassette only.
By year mid-2005 a.s Istidraj will unleash it's "Singakult Black Metal (1993 a.s-till eternity)" album to be release by Satan's Millenium Records Vinland (together with our unreleased demo) in limited 300 copies cd only.
We just complete the recording of our new album "Blasphemous Ritual", it'll be unleash by SMR Vinland in pro-cd format & Goathammer Rex in tape format! Also just unleash is our split with indonesian blasphemic black metal horde dry in "Singanezian Heathens".

Lord Arian Inferno-Blasphemic Black Vomiter.
Earl Aiman-Bringer Ov Devastation.
Mace Ov War-Judas Schädel Hammer.
Vennibeth-Torturer Ov Damnation.
Lord Inferno (Lord Arian) is the editor of Inferno Zine.
Contact: istidraj@hotmail.com
Istidraj means Blasphemous in ancient arabic.
Metafizika Full-length, 1999
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika EP, 2001
Conqueror of Syonan-To Split, 2004
Total War Epuratiö Split, 2004
Singakult Black Metal Demo, 2004
Singakult Black Metal Full-length, 2005
Blasphemic Rites Rehersal Demo, 2005
Blasphemous Demonic Trinity Split, 2005
Singanezian Heathens Split, 2006
Blasphemous Ritual Full-length, 2006 Blasphemized Perversion EP, 2007