Satanized...A Blasphemy from turkey!
Satanized was founded by Angramainyu and Dahaka in 2005 then Daeva joined them. After various members changes the band became stable with Barbas(Drums)And Thoth(guitars).The band made many compositions and appears in concerts as well.
The band paused their works due the fight.
As a result of Angramaiunyu has suffered cerebral hemorrhage.Meanwhile the band is parted ways with Barbas and Thoth for ideological reasons.After recovery of Angramainyu Satanized complete by the joining of Beliar(Guitar) and Xaphan(Drums).
After all the band released first EP with Thorn Laceration Records from UK.

Current line-up
Angramainyu - Vocals, Guitar (2005-)
Beliar - Guitar (2009-)
Daeva - Bass (2005-) (Hell's Army, Fatalart, Evilcraft)
Dahaka - Keyboards (2005-)
Xaphan - Drums (2009-)

Possessed by Darkness EP, 2009
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